Margie Muzik

Margie is a native of Naperville, IL and a member of both the LPGA and PGA. The basis of her teaching comes from 30 years of playing competitive golf on many of our leading tours, including the Futures Golf Tour, Players West Tour, Florida Central Challenge Tour, and Asian Golf Circuit.

Margie's own experience working with leading professionals in golf, including Dr. Jim Suttie, David Leadbetter, Mike McGetrick, Mike Adams, and Bob Spence, have given her the opportunity to develop an understanding of how to refine the golf swing movements using a fundamental swing model that creates consistency.

Margie has been instructing golfers of all levels specializing in score improvement techniques around the green, and helping students with the psychological stages they encounter on the golf course for more efficient and effective on-course applications and success in golf.

Call Margie at 630.926.3636 or send her a message through the Contact form.


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Why Take Golf Lessons

Most people believe that practice makes perfect. How you practice golf on a regular basis absolutely reflects your golf game. Only quality practice with golf swing and game improvement goals makes perfect.

If you're not at the level you wish to be, you must change and start learning how to become efficient with your golf techniques to achieve your desired consistency and level of improvement.

Corporate Endorsements:
Ecco Golf Shoes

Foot Joy Golf Shoes

Cobra Golf